“Bulletin Board”

 School of Physics - January 30, 2018

School of physics (IPM) became a member of PANDA experiment.

Prof. Kazem Azizi and School of Physics (IPM) became members of PANDA experiment.

 The PANDA experiment, currently being built on the area of the GSI Helmholtzzentrum fur Schwerionenforschung in Darmstadt-Germany aims to be one of the key experiments in hadron physics in the world. The structural characteristics of this experiment will distinct it from other hadron colliders like LHC, Belle, BES III etc. It is expected that PANDA can address many problems in hadron physics like the nature and internal quark organization of the newly discovered, but not yet exactly understood, exotic XYZ particles. Besides, PANDA will focus on exact measurements of the electromagnetic form factors of hadrons in order to clarify their internal structure and geometric shape. investigation of the hadronic parameters at high density and temperature will be in the focus of PANDA, as well.
For more information see: PDF
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